Web Design & Development - Burrows Interactive
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Web Development.

We help our clients achieve their digital strategy with engaging, responsive, accessible websites and apps that run on every mobile device and in the browser.

Our Website Design & Development Process

We listen to our clients’ requirements and anticipate their future needs to ensure a flawless, manageable process.
We make planning, designing and developing a website easily understandable for everyone involved – regardless of your level of technical competence.

Our approach to website design and development ensures a successful implementation every time.
Our attention to detail and project management guarantees that all customer needs are met and exceeded along the way.

Global Health -Website

Global Health asked us to redesign their existing website making it more contemporary as well as easy to update and manage content in-house.

View Global Health online:

Iluka Resources – Virtual Minesite Tour

Our design solution delivers a stress free user experience delivering detailed information users needed.
Interface design builds a engaging Brand story while global navigation throughout the site – delivers the goods.

Iluka Resources – Website Development

Our design solution delivers a stress free user experience delivering detailed information users needed.
Interface design builds a engaging Brand story while global navigation throughout the site – delivers the goods.

Linfox Solutions – Digital Magazine

With the latest technology your publication can be rendered flawlessly on all devices (smartphones, tablets and desktop), the platforms your audience use these days.

To most people online magazines meant flippable PDF’s. This outdated platform based on the print model that you would transferred online is no match for the ‘feature rich’ digital alternative.

The time has come to embrace the options that browser publishing has to offer.

Magazines that we create are browser-based and fully responsive.

You open the publication in a browser (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari) and it doesn’t matter whether it’s on your smartphone, tablet, desktop or smart TV. Nowadays 50% of all people surf the internet on a mobile device. This is why it is so very important to optimize content for every device.

View editions online:

Department of Defence – Team Australia

Villafi Seminyak, Bali

Slocum and Co

Baringo – a regional wine & food haven